Archive | January, 2012

This has to be the craziest business card I’ve ever seen.

30 Jan

Not sure why he went with the .org though.

The other day at work was a costume parade.

29 Jan

These are the two outfits I took off. And at the time of this photo I was about to change into this one.

Then when I got back to my trailer I had this one waiting for me. We had to move some scenes around.

Smidge in her Thunder Shirt can only mean one thing…

23 Jan

We’ve got company coming over. She wears it like a skunk costume.

I Promised People I’d Post About This

22 Jan

This is Nooch. Nooch is an insider term for nutritional yeast.  And it’s not the stuff you feed your goldfish. (Although that stuff may actually have nooch in it. )

Nooch is hands down the most popular condiment amongst the plant-eating world. (More popular than Cholula? I know right?!)

But apparently it’s used in everything and is a great source of B12. I’d describe its flavor as a cross between nutty and umami, almost cheesy.

According to this small set of vegans I met at The Post Punk Kitchen forum the best introduction to nooch is “noochy toast.”

1. Make toast. (You know what toast looks like already.)

2. Spread with Earth Balance.

3. Sprinkle with nooch.

4. Pop it in the toaster oven.

It’s great. You know what else it kind of tastes like? Chicken bouillon.

And you add a little garlic? It will make a fine (can you see this coming?) garlic bread.

So PPKers know I’m legit now. Now to convince the people at fanforum…

Vancouver Pet Peeve

20 Jan

It costs a quarter to shop for groceries. I’m not a guy who likes to carry change in my pocket so every time I try to go shopping for groceries I forget the quarter I need to use a cart.
Which usually leads to me walking around the store carrying two baskets and kicking a third. When I finally do remember to bring a quarter, I’m keeping the cart. Because at 25 cents, them carts is priced to move.


P.S. For those of you compelled to tell me why stores do this, I know. You don’t have to post it in the comments section.

Oh yes. I’ll Be On TV Tonight.

16 Jan

Premiere on the Rock

15 Jan

So as many of you know by now, last week we had our Alcatraz premiere event on Alcatraz. It was pretty sweet.  We flew on a charter jet. Then we were shuttled to the ferry that took us to the island where we had a party and screening of the pilot on cell block D. As it was almost a year ago when we shot the pilot there, it felt like an anniversary or homecoming. Then we got right back on the plane, because we had work in the morning.

As you can imagine the flight back was a bit more mellow than the flight out. Note Jonny Coyne in the background.

Oh and at some point over the course of the evening I apparently lost my hands.

It finally happened.

14 Jan

Remember that teaser snow we had.

Well last night it happened for real. I had to work late last night so I slept through babies’ first snow day. (It took forever to figure out what the proper apostrophe “s” combo to go with. I ended up just making an executive decision. Beth wanted me to write babies’s /BAY-bee-ziz/? Are you kidding me? That driveway isn’t going to shovel itself you know. )

I can’t decide what’s harder about smuggling food into a movie theater…

5 Jan

Swallowing the condoms.

Or getting the timing right.




Thank you! 🙂

( Some of these I just post for me.)


4 Jan

My holiday break is officially over when I return to work tomorrow.

Over hiatus I read the book ROBOPOCALYPSE and watched the movie West World.

This will forever be remembered as the Christmas when the Robots took over.