Archive | February, 2011

Short Trip to Hawaii

28 Feb

To celebrate my recent jobs I thought it would be nice to take a trip to Hawaii.

I couldn’t wait. I had to change my shoes at the airport.

The biggest surprise of the trip for me was discovering a change in the landscape. 

Hawaii found a way to be even greener.

And it appears our timing was perfect because Los Angeles got really cold while we were out.

“Did you feed them carrot yesterday?”

19 Feb

Says Beth as she cleans up the remnants of an eaten poo. Good eye babe.

(I guess those don’t-eat-the-poop pills aren’t working.)

First two letters have come in the mail.

18 Feb

Because a lot of you have been asking, I’m going add a few guidelines.

1. Self-Addressed Stamped Envelopes (SASE) are greatly appreciated. ($1.05 usually covers one picture in a manila envelope sent anywhere in the U.S.. Extra packaging (like card board) will be more. )

2. If you are sending mail from another country please include IRCs (International reply coupons). 3 will cover the cost to most countries. (Canada is less.)

3. If you have no picture for me to sign I have a few of my own I can send. Just send me your request along with the SASE.

4. Please include the names you’d like the autograph personalized to. Don’t just say, “my daughter.” Unless your daughter would enjoy an autograph made to “John’s daughter.” I’m trying to make sure these are going to fans and not just people who are going to try to sell it on ebay or wherever.

I know this isn’t a complete list but it’s all I can think of for now. Oh and these are a couple of pet peeves I wrote about in my previous blog.

We are not alone!

17 Feb


Double woah!

:O Follow Up: Dear Caitlin’s Boyfriend,

17 Feb

Thanks dude. I’m shocked and flattered.

May I suggest that for the upkeep you shave only the parts of my face that are hairless. And allow my beard and hair and eyebrows to grow out as your leg hair comes back.

Of course to create some kind of separation you’ll want to shave all the way around the image as well or else it won’t be clear  where the leg hair ends and the Hurley hair begins.


Is this you’re other leg?


16 Feb

Beth sent this to me when she saw it on where it appears to have been reposted from  FYL.

Then we noticed the shoe. That’s his thigh.

I can’t tell you the last time my face was right up in another dude’s junk.

Seriously. I can’t. Quit asking.


You can send me stuff again… For now.

15 Feb

Check it out. I have set up a temporary P.O. Box should any of you want to write me the old fashioned way.

Here it is:

Jorge Garcia

22817 Ventura Blvd. #313

Woodland Hills, CA 91364

This is the address to use if you would like to request an autograph. Sorry it’s only temporary. But I’m banking on the fact that I will be relocating in the near future.

What’s Sadder Than a Lonely Sequined Bra Going Around the Baggage Carousel?

14 Feb

Okay maybe a lot of things.

Except maybe the stripper who lost it.

Holy Happy Valentines!

14 Feb

Sinatra’s greatest album is on sale right now at the Amazon MP3 Store.

I already own it myself. But for those of you who don’t, I can’t recommend it enough.

Back when “swingin'” only referred to a Jazzy rhythm.

Or a way to dance to it.

Or actual swings.

I guess.

What I mean is here it doesn’t refer to partner-swapping.

Or does it? Now that I take a second look at Sinatra’s face.

“No. No. You can’t go back to McDonald’s,”

13 Feb

said the lady walking her cat on Burrard in Vancouver.

(Cat wasn’t into it.)