Archive | March, 2013

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Bonus)

28 Mar



Is it me or do you get the feeling…


That there might be…

IMG_1262 2

A Little Mermaid Cover Art situation going on here?


Do you see it? IMG_1263Getting warmer…

IMG_1263 2

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Closeout)

27 Mar

Ancient humans lived in “bone houses!” (Hey now! <wink>)



Walruses get tummy aches.

That baby sea lion is just “resting.”Sealion2

And they have a life-sized Blue Whale that is so big they actually had to bend it to make it fit.


P.S. They also have a life-sized millipede apparently from Skull Island.

Skull Island

P.P.S. Holy Crap! I googled Skull island. There are tons of them! Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 11.10.31 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 11.11.52 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 11.12.10 AM Screen Shot 2013-03-27 at 11.12.34 AMI think it’s time to plan my King Kong world tour.

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Part 5)

26 Mar


Quite literally.


This was one of my favorite displays.


Different scenarios of people right at the moment before they get bitten by a snake.


Especially the guy who steps on one.

HTGetBit4But the  pièce de résistance is a life sized child.


Who has just been bitten.


Waiting to die.

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Extra Credit)

24 Mar

Someone in the comments section asked if they had a Polar Bear. They do and from a distance it looks like he’s got a little friend.


But as you get closer…


You see something gone terribly wrong.



What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Part 4)

24 Mar

Jack rabbits are hilarious.


They have Voldermort’s skull.


T.Rex’s arms were even tinier than I realized.

TRexeven littler

The one on the left might have been runover.


And if it looks like it’s melting, it’s an alligator.IMG_2055

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Part 3)

24 Mar

Although the exotic birds get really nice dioramas with painted backgrounds…IMG_1252


(I think this one’s eating an apple.)Easteregg2


(And these guys are on an Easter Egg hunt.)

Easter egg unt

… The local birds? Not so much.NYBirds1NYbirds2

Same with the Mammals.IMG_1210
NYMammalsNY Mammals2

These look like they’re getting arrested.NYMammals3

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History (Part 2)

23 Mar

Africa. Has a shit-ton of deer.Deer4Deer10Deer9 Deer8 Deer7 Deer6 Deer5 Deer1 Deer2 Deer3

Honorable mention.IMG_1215

What I learned last week at the American Museum of Natural History

20 Mar

The dioramas have a flair for the dramatic


Yup that’s a moose mid-stab on another moose.



When I came upon this display I thought there was a mistake because I saw the lynx but no rabbit even though both were listed.  But all you gotta do is follow the paw prints, just like that cat is doing…



Swim faster little Turt!
Drama4This one might be my favorite although it was in pitch black almost. Just like those old timey sea monster pictures.


This one I’m not so sure about. Am I to believe that this early man didn’t notice the cave with five hyenas behind him? How stealthy can hyenas be anyway when they’re always laughing all the time. What the hell is he bending down for at this inopportune moment? Not to tie his shoelaces.