Archive | October, 2011

Ghost Human Centipede on Conan Tonight.

31 Oct

Been a while since TV made me laugh that hard.

(Sorry I don’t tweet. So I had to mention it here.)

Happy Halloween!

31 Oct

Carved two more. Hope I’m home before dark today.

Costume Parade

30 Oct

This year Pip went as an ear of corn. 

And always topical Smidge went as the skunk we found in our garbage.

For about five minutes. Hating everyone of them.

Pumpkin Bonus

27 Oct

The night of our carving party I made a vegetable bean stew to which I always add butternut squash.

And since a pumpkin is a pumpkin…

Instead of peeling and chopping it up, I scooped out the insides (not easy) so that I could preserve the shell for carving (also not easy).

Them little buggers is tough! The pumpkin saw couldn’t even break the surface. Had to use one of my big boy knives.

It’s that time of year again

26 Oct

Time for Beth and Jorge’s Annual Pumpkin Carving Party.

We had a great turnout last Sunday

and even greater pumpkins.

Check out this concentration. These were the preview pumpkins Beth and I carved earlier. And on the night, Beth carved the Hitchcock logo. And I carved this guy. Both of my pumpkins were based on art by Michel Gagné. 

And we still have a couple untapped pumpkins to carve into before Sunday.

Have You Seen This Yet?

21 Oct

My Favorite Song This Minute

20 Oct

I haven’t done one of these in a while. But I wanted to congratulate my buddy Harold on his new release.

Looks like it was a fun party. Made me miss Hawaii.

It’s available here:

And if you want more info check out his website:

Great Even When It Doesn’t Work

18 Oct

So I have a folder on my desktop for stuff to blog about that’s pretty old. The problem is I don’t have a lot of new stuff going on except work and I can’t talk about specifics yet. So perusing through my “blog me” folder (which is what it’s actually called – I’m not proud of it) I was reminded about this app “Word Lens” I downloaded before my trip to Spain.

The app works like this: You hold your phone up to a sign and it translates it for you instantly, no network required . I have to say it’s pretty great.

The grammar might be a little off but it really works.

Of course it’s not perfect. For one thing the app fools you into thinking it’s free only to find the languages are an in-app purchase. And you have to buy each direction of translation. Spanish-to-English and English-to-Spanish are sold separately. So be careful and don’t accidentally buy the language you already know. And Spanish and English are the only languages available so far.

And finally sometimes it’s wrong.

But if you try again…

It’s still wrong but closer.

Man that was the best wiped of place I’ve ever had.

Mmm… Peanut Butter…

9 Oct

I Love This Video

5 Oct