Archive | May, 2011

Sometimes using my laptop on the couch isn’t very productive.

31 May

She Likes to Rub it on Stuff

29 May

I don’t know why Pip sits like this. I’ve never seen a dog do this before. 

Man. This Vid Just Goes From Cute to Cuter.

27 May

Hmm What’s More Embarrassing?

25 May

The fact that I wrote this?

Or that it took eight months to notice?

Ok. Good. Good. Correct. Wait a minute…who’s that guy?

21 May

Found this here:

Last Night Beth and I Saw the Pilot

20 May

Dug it so much we watched it twice.

C’mon Fitzy Get Yer Names Straight

19 May

Alcatraz’ First Trailer Escapes from FOX Upfront

“So what’s the latest trailer to claw its way out from the depths of network confinement?  Well how about our first look at the new J.J. Abrams time-travelling thriller Alcatraz, starring Jorge Reyes (LOST), Sam Neill (Jurassic Park) and Rebecca Madsen (Sons of Anarchy)!”

I guess we all know who’s your favorite.

Watch your eyes…here comes my button!

18 May

Wait for it…

16 May

Looks like we’re going to air in January.

Fox 2011-12 Schedule: ‘X Factor,’ ‘Terra Nova’ in Fall; ‘Alcatraz,’ ‘Bones’ Spin-Off in Midseason

Mote Con Huesillo

12 May

As the days have gotten warmer I found myself with a hankerin’ for Mote Con Huesillo. 

It’s essentially a summer “beverage” even though it definitely requires more than a straw.

It’s basically “mote” which is husked wheat,

“con” (with)

“huesillo” (dried peaches) that have been cooked with water, sugar and cinnamon.

It’s delicious. So the only place I know to get it in LA is here.

But last time I was there I saw this: And I got the idea to make up a batch myself.

I picked up some Trader Joe’s Dried White Peaches. Soaked them and cooked them. Using a recipe I got online. 

Turned out pretty delicious.  I especially like it for breakfast.