Archive | May, 2012

It’s Been a While Since I Talked About My Trip to…

30 May

One of the things I got to do was meet my Japanese voice, Yasuhiro Takato. So far he has dubbed my voice for Alcatraz and LOST. We talked for a bit and I asked him about his other voiceover work because I was curious and wanted to pick up a DVD of one of his animated shows. He told me a show title but it slipped my mind.

However the next day when I was out I saw this toy. Didn’t know who it was or what it was from. I just saw a polar bear in an orange jumpsuit who is apparently upset about something. What’s his problem? Why is he so upset? So I bought him.

The next day a package was delivered to my hotel room with a toy figure of this same bear and this thank you note from Yasuhiro. He is the voice of this bear! Crazy coincidence. And while I was shopping it didn’t take long to discover that this show, One Piece, was huge. And it had some of the coolest looking characters. I mean check this guy out. 

Invisible Me

27 May

You may have noticed that while on Alcatraz I wore a lot of layers. At the end of the work day, to get home as soon as possible, I would usually just pull my whole wardrobe off over my head in one piece. It began to look like I melted out of my clothes. Long story short, it evolved into a thing I started doing at the end of my “shift.”

Eventually it defeated the whole purpose of trying to get out early.

(By the way you may notice my street clothes in the background of some of these pictures. You know what that means. I shot these pics in my underwear. And I’ve checked and rechecked for my reflection in the mirror about six times before posting this. And I’m about to do it once more in the preview screen.)

Fanmail is back

21 May

Hey folks I started up that P.O. Box for fan mail again. As it turns out a lot of the letters you tried to send me in Canada were never delivered. Apparently they were forwarded to my reps. However I do have them now and will be answering them soon.

So if you’d like to send me something, the address is on the sidebar. If requesting an autograph a SASE would be helpful. Thanks all.

Almost a month late, but pretty great.

21 May

Beth gave me this for my birthday. It’s a series depicting the “milestones” of my career.

-Playing Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof in high school. Fiddler and Raiders of the Lost Ark were the first movies to inspire me to be an actor.

-Studying with Milton Katselas.


-Curb Your Enthusiasm.


– and Alcatraz.

Pretty sweet huh? These were all done by our friend Marla Campbell, the same artist who made our Geronimo Jack’s Beard logo.

After much resistance it has finally happened…

16 May!/jorgegarcia

Celebrated a Friend’s Birthday Yesterday…

14 May

by shooting paper zombies.

More From My Trip to…

12 May

After my interviews it was press conference time. One of the things I learned on this trip was that whenever they bring an American over to promote a new show they team them up with a local celebrity or two to introduce the American to the Japanese audience.

My two celebs were Kazuhiro Kiyohara a former baseball player and announcer and  Shiholi Kutstuna an actress. But before the press conference there was a briefing to go over the detailed script for the press conference. And I mean detailed. Luckily I didn’t have to memorize any of this. It was more of a guideline or the ideal scenario. 

I did my best.

Kazuhiro  also introduced me to these. They’re cooling facial wipes. And  they are the greatest. I ended up buying like a dozen different packs (I had some trouble finding the same ones). With these and a fan he whips out every once in a while Kazuhiro kept cool, a technique I will definitely steal next time I have a red carpet on a hot day. Especially since one of my interviewers gave me the gift of this kickass fan.

I’m on Phineas and Ferb Tonight

11 May

Look what I just came across:

It’s a Glamorous Life!

11 May

Nothing like hearing you don’t have a job anymore from the internet.

Say goodnight Patchy.

“Goodnight Patchy.”

My trip to…

5 May

Part II : This is my cool look.

I guess.

Day one in Tokyo was a lot of press. And if you ever are photographed there you will at some point be asked to do a “cool look.”

So I first tried this:

Then this:

But I always ended up like this: